Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Tell the people you love, you love them.

Okay so this is going to be quite a upsetting/depressing thing to talk about but it has happened to me recently and it has affected me and the people around me and I feel I need to talk about it. 
One of my friends has been in a bad situation recently with his mum, she has been super poorly and I have been there for him as much as I can. My family has supported him all they could through this hard time. Sunday he came and told us she had fallen in the last 48 hours and she was on life support but she isn't responding so they were wanting to turn it off. Monday he went and turned it off. This was horrible to hear and to see how it was affecting him. 
I know this is something really personal and it must have been so difficult for him, but it really made me realise that people go from our lives so fast and his mum wasn't old she was the same age as my mum and its scary to think that people like that just leave this world without even knowing. It's horrible.

From this situation I have come to the conclusion that people who argue all the time and take people for granted are horrible. I don't ever want to argue with anyone again and when you are so far away from family or friends and you cant tell people that you love them but you really want to tell them that you love them, pick up the phone and call them. 

I am so lucky to have who I have in my life, my sister when I was 14 was diagnosed with cancer and she pulled through she was so lucky and I am lucky to still have her. There are people in this world that take life for granted and they really don't appreciate what they have and people don't live a full life and have to leave there families so early in life. 
There is nothing we can do to change other people lives but telling the people we love that we love them more often will make you feel better and make them feel better. If you have friends that you have not seen in a long time that you love and miss tell them, meet up with them, just find some time for the people that you love and the people you want in your life. Your real friends will show themselves and making sure that you appreciate them is important tell them how you feel and you want to spend time with them. Don't let it have been months and then when you finally see each other you both think, why did it take this long.

I know this isn't the best post but it was something that was upsetting me and I really needed to tell people that I know life is short but don't regret telling people you love them. You may love that person at the time and in years regret saying it but don't forget you will have affected that persons life and they will never forget you as you will never forget them. Telling that one person you love them will maybe help them when they need it most. Don't fight with someone you love and never hold a grudge if you love them tell them. You might regret not saying it one day. 

Please leave comments if you need some advice, 

All my love, Wade Wonders AKA Sasha xx

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